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 Nicola Döring represents another academic approach(communications and media studies) to the phenomenon of blogs. She is psychologist and has an intensive relation to online communication and the research side of it.
Posted on 2/26/04; 12:46:51 PM #
Torill Mortensen represents the academic approach towards the new phenomenon her expertise is especially in the field of games.
Torill: I am working on a model for research into social spaces created and maintained through personal publishing and multi-user games. This is a convergence of my interests in blogging and the experience from the work on my thesis, defended 12th of September 2003: Pleasures of the Player: Flow and Control in Online Games.
Posted on 2/26/04; 12:40:09 PM #
I'm happy to inform you that Mena and Ben Trott will keynote. They contributed a lot to the blogosphere with their well-known software Moveable Type and their Weblog Service TypePad.
We are looking forward to talk with them about the future developments of micro content-management-systems, weblog software, standards and the like.
Posted on 2/24/04; 1:05:58 PM #

last update: Friday, July 23, 2004 at 10:31:14 AM-----------------------
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