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Jon Hoem

Jon Hoem Jon Hoem is employed and gives lectures at the Department of Art and Media studies (IKM) of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. Furthermore, he works with the Bergen University College (HiB) and is doing a Phd on how to use "personal publishing" as a tool for learning. His most recent publication is the book "Informasjonsdesign for digitale medier".

Videoblogs as 'Collective Documentary'
This paper looks into how 'temporal media' (video and sound) influence on the concept of blogging and a genre which I call 'collective documentary'. I am going to discuss how videoblogs might be designed in order to take advantage of the internets capabilities when it comes to combining individual and collective effort in 'online filmmaking'. I argue that it is essential that a videoblog-system is based on posts containing individual video-shots rather than pre-edited sequences. This will make it possible to reuse the content within a server-based framework demanding almost no technical skills from the end-user. Most of the work done with videoblogs is based on pre-edited content or individual video-clips without any connection to other clips. I suggest to use a different approach where a large number of individual posts (video clips) are used as the raw material for a "video-aggregator" which makes it possible to store sequences as portable XML-documents. The suggested technological framework will make it possible to share the raw material and edited sequences between a huge number of users within as server-based solution. The paper will be presented with a short demonstration of a protype which will show how the described system is intended to work.


last update: Friday, July 23, 2004 at 10:31:45 AM-----------------------
Copyright 2004