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Announcement`s Archive
There is now some time gone after the 2 days of BlogTalk. To review it briefly: it was great thanks to the speakers and thanks to the audience. We were some 130 from all over the world. Briefly after the conference a discussion emerged about a possible BlogTalk 3.0 and more general about the format of the conference. I replied to that on randgaenge.net. 
This the view from the panel just before I opened the conference.
For those of you that are interested in what the press had to say, please click and check out the press-corner.
There are pictures available, of course, too many to get hold of. Google it and see the mix of BlogTalk 1.0 and BlogTalk 2.0.
bfn Thomas N. Burg
Posted on 7/20/04; 3:11:25 PM #
Well, the first day went very well. We had lots of fascinating talks and discussions in- and outside of the conference location. Our obsession took us even to a restaurant somewhere in the 7th district of Vienna to engage in further discussion about the topic. It had to end, of course. Yesterdays live stream had a peak of 1300 users that was too much at some point but a success on the other side ;-) Now, I'm looking forward to today as more interesting contributions are to come. Finally the update of the program: the Deutsche Welle World will announce their international Weblog Award BOB (=Best of Blogs) tomorrow afternoon. Please check the program for further details.
Posted on 7/6/04; 12:41:12 AM #
Well here we go, this is the link to the conference stream. If everything works out fine we will offer one for modem and one for dsl/cable. You need the Quicktime Player to watch it. But: looking forward to meet you in meatspace, you know.
Posted on 7/4/04; 7:42:46 PM #
We just received an email from Nicola Döring, she is heavily involved in negotiations in context of her professorship.
The program changed slightly for Tuesday.
We are very sorry and wish her good luck!
Posted on 7/3/04; 10:03:03 AM #
Geo-Blogging for BlogTalkers. Mikel Maron and Johannes Gruber put some efforts to setup an interactive map of Vienna that's open for everybody - like a wiki. So please got there and add helpful places to the map. Thanks to Mikel and Johannes. It's now up to us to fill it. Let's see.
Posted on 7/1/04; 4:33:10 PM #
From now on you will only be able to register directly at the conference. The fee for registering at the front desk in Urania amounts 60 EURO. Registration at the front desk will be open on Monday from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. and on Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until 9:30 a.m.
Posted on 7/1/04; 8:27:15 AM #
On the 2nd day of the Conference, July 6, at 17:30, there will be a presentation and question-time of the courses Professional MSc New Media Management, Professional MSc Multimedia and Web Publisher at the so-called "Terrassensaal" (situated directly beside the coffee-house within the 'Urania'-buildíng). If you are interested please send an e-mail to: [email protected]. Registered participants of this presentation could attend the afternoon of the 2nd day of "Blogtalk 2.0" (from 13:50 onwards) for free.
Posted on 6/30/04; 12:28:02 PM #
V1.0, the final version of the Program is online.
Posted on 6/30/04; 12:08:34 PM #
There is a wiki-space for BlogTalkers over there at Joi Ito's place. You can got there and socialize.
Posted on 6/30/04; 11:20:28 AM #
Here is the update for our press-conference. As you might already know it will take place at the Urania just before the conference opens. It's only accessible for registered journalists. Place: Café Urania Time: 9:00-9:30 Please register via email and bring your ID-card. Speakers are Mark Bernstein and Thomas N. Burg. Additionally the Deutsche Welle World will present an International Weblog Award. The press-conference will be in German and English. Here you will find the press-release (only in German).
Posted on 6/24/04; 9:00:53 AM #
Some major modifications did happen please check the program. Details about the speakers, abstracts, and presentations will follow shortly.
Posted on 6/16/04; 10:14:39 PM #
From now on an updated version of the Program (v0.97) is available.
Posted on 6/3/04; 2:37:11 PM #
Just to let you know if you are a journalist not living in Austria (and therefore not in the traditonal distribution lists). We will have a press conference right before the conference will open. It will take place directly at the venue in the Café Urania @ 9:00 am. Mark Bernstein (Eastgate, Tinderbox) and Thomas N. Burg (Danube University Krems) will be available as dialog partners.
Please register if you are a journalist via Email.
Posted on 5/27/04; 6:22:22 PM #
Posted on 5/1/04; 12:35:54 AM #
We can now offer the conference hotel - at a reduced rate - to all participants of BlogTalk. Panelists and keynoter will stay there. For more information please visit the hotel page
Posted on 4/30/04; 12:37:04 PM #
Here is a first draft (some faults possible) of the program, more details like abstracts aso will be available soon.
Monday, July 5Keynotes 10:00-10:30 Bernstein 14:45-15:15 Mortensen Panels 10:30-12:00 Buytaert, Dögl, Kantel, Hoem 12:15-13:05 Hendrick, Klastrup 15:15-16:30 Merelo, Oswald, Maron 16:45-17:40 van der Graaf, Wijna BOF metrics 17:50- ca. 19:00 Azhar, Lumma, Schuster
Tuesday, July 6Keynotes 9:30-10:00 Trott 13:55-14:25 Döring Panels 10:00-11:15 Perrone, Prillinger, Praschl 11:30-12:25 Bryant, Röll 14:25-15:40 Glötzl; Prügel; Anjewierden, Brussee, Efimova 16:00-17:15 Fiedler, Ganley, De Bruyne BOF metrics 17:30- ca.18:30 Ceglowski; Merelo, Orihuela, Tricas, Ruiz; Javurek, Kera, Bures, Kopta.
Posted on 4/28/04; 10:31:21 PM #
The program for the two days will be available next week.
Posted on 4/24/04; 3:27:57 PM #
Dear submitters to BlogTalk 2.0! We had a hard time to sift through those 56 proposals that were sent to us. It is similar to last year as we could have easily designed a three-days-conference if it would have made sense and else. Thus we needed to make a decision. Once again thanks to all of you and sorry to those who didn't make it. Nonetheless we would like to welcome you at the conference. Now the accepted proposals are: [update 4/8/: I included all authors, finally.]
- Azhar, Niederhofer
- Ceglowski
- Merelo, Orihuela, Tricas, Ruiz
- Javurek, Kera, Bures, Kopta
- Lumma
- Schuster
- Perrone
- Prillinger
- Klastrup
- Wijnia
- van der Graaf
- Anjewierden, Brusse, Efimova
- Nilsson, Örnberg
- Tarkowski
- De Bruyne
- Fiedler, Sharma
- Ganley
- Prügel
- Bryant
- Glötzel
- Röll
- Buytaert
- Dögl
- Hoem
- Merelo, Prieto, Tricas
- Maron
- Oswald, Roemer-Nossek, Gstrein, Peschl
You will receive an email with further instruction either tonight or tomorrow. Looking forward to meet you in Vienna. Details on the program will follow in due time. Please stay tuned.
Posted on 4/7/04; 9:10:28 PM #
After a considerable delay BlogTalks the book that followed BlogTalk 1 is out now.
Have a look a the table of contents and the online version of same papers.
Posted on 3/25/04; 4:57:59 PM #
We received about 55 proposals from all over the world. They go out for review to the steering committee tonight. By the 8th of April we will announce those who made it.
Posted on 3/23/04; 10:55:50 PM #

last update: Friday, July 23, 2004 at 10:31:17 AM-----------------------
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